Being harassed by your neighbour?

Article by: Joshua Barlow With Covid-19, South Africans are spending more and more time at home. With the financial, health and social consequences of lockdown, it’s no wonder why many are on edge. Having difficult neighbours only makes the experience worse. The...

Dreaming of becoming President? Now is your chance!

Article by: Areeb Mukaddam Have you ever wanted to become the President of South Africa but starting your own political party or belonging to one was holding you back? The Constitutional Court has ruled that it is unconstitutional that you can only become the...

Living Annuities

Article by: Nevashni Moodley In a recent SCA decision, it was held that the value of ones right to future annuity payments in respect of living annuities is an asset in your estate for the purposes of calculating the accrual of your estate. This will significantly...

Alert level 3 and 4 Regulations

Article by: Nevashni Moodley Yesterday the North Gauteng High Court declared Alert Level 4 and 3 Regulations unconstitutional and invalid. The Court applied Section 36 of the Constitution (“the limitation test”) which dictates that if the exercise of public power...

COVID-19: Force Majeure &rental obligations

Article by: Hein von Lieres and Joshua Barlow The lockdown has made it impossible for many businesses to continue trading. Does this mean that tenants that cannot trade are entitled to a remission of their rental? There is no simple answer. Force majeure is an...


Article by: Nevashni Moodley We know divorces can be emotionally taxing to say the least. Over and above the turmoil and distress it can cause to the family unit, it can be a daunting exercise to navigate the legal process on your own. Our passion for family law and...


Article by: Nevashni Moodley Seeing a loved one lose their basic functioning and witnessing their changing personality as they reach their golden years is never easy for any family member. Various misconceptions surround what one can and cannot do to legally assist...